Monday, November 16, 2009

I've been boxing for a month now and right shoulder hurts (burning sensation), Should I rest or continue?

Should I get it X-rayed.. it doesnt hurt during the day just when I warmup or do boxing training excercises (Medicine ball, Aerobic steps, Shadow Boxing) and ofcourse hurts the most when sparring. Im fairly new, about a month into boxing. Thanks|||Give it a rest. I had an injury like this (I do taekwondo) and I just gave it a rest for a while. Eventually it went away. Just leave it to heal. If it gets no better after a few days, see a doctor.|||Keep going! No pain, no gain!|||You can%26#039;t just have an x-ray because you want one - a doctor must order it. See your doctor, and he or she will decide if an x-ray is necessary.|||Same thing happens to me whenever I play football or wrestle. I have bad shoulders. I know it sucks but you need to rest it for a little.

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