Saturday, May 15, 2010

Best way to learn how to shadow box?

those guys don%26#039;t know what they%26#039;re talking about. go to a gym and tell the guy that runs it that you want to rent a shadow by the hour. (one thats a good boxer) you can stay as long as you like. fight like hell,and never get hurt. AND,when you become proficient,you can rent yourself out as a shadow boxer. pretty cool, huh?|||stand in front of a mirror and keep ducking.|||Stand in front of a mirror and imagine you have an opponent throwing punches at you. Bob and weave and throw punches back at them. This will help you with your offense as well as your defense.|||Go to a boxing gym and study for a month or so (if you can%26#039;t afford to stay in the class). No point in shadowboxing if you don%26#039;t know how to punch and move correctly. once you learn the basics, shadowbox until you%26#039;re fast and it%26#039;s 2nd nature to you.|||whats a shadow box?|||shadow boxing is just a state of mind for boxers to practice fighting when they don%26#039;t have an opponent. The best way to learn is to visualize an opponents moves, footwork, and thier boxing style. If you go to a boxing gym, watch one of the boxers moves and how they punch ect. Then when you shadow box you pretend like that opponent is in front of you and you pretend like you and the %26quot;imaginary opponent%26quot; are fighting. The key thing to make shadow boxing work is to image an opponent and then punch,jab, bob and weave like your actually fighting.

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