Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can punching wth weights increase my punching power?

I have been doing an exercise which feels really great, but I do not know if it is effective.

I have been throwing punches and shadow boxing with 30lb dumbbells, and I do about 5 sets and 60 punches each rep.

Afterwards, my back, shoulders, and triceps feel incredible.

However, I want to know from a more experience or professional person who has boxed, if this is effective.

Please let me know. Thank you.|||resistence, thats how|||I%26#039;ve only ever done uppercuts with dumbells as anything else seems like it would destroy your elbow. Simulating a jab with 5 pounds in your hand wouldn%26#039;t actually work the muscles used in a jab, unless you were on your back instead of standing upright. But it would be murder on your elbow.|||Woody is dead right!!!|||Woody is correct. Punching power comes from proper technique, the basics of good footwork, proper placment, timming, etc.

30 lbs. seems a little extreme for shadowboxing, espically if your following %26#039;thru%26#039; with your punches. With this much weight, and throwing with velocity, your going to hyperextend, putting undo stress on your joints.

I use 2-1/2 lb. to 5lb. wrist and ankle weights, but only on a heavy bag. So that there is something to %26#039;hit%26#039;. Instead of throwing with speed into empty air (with weights.) and %26#039;popping%26#039; my elbow and knee joints. Can use this combo to help gain speed. So with the proper techniques and a increase in speed, this will help with your punching power.|||Ultimate Fighters train this way.|||no it doesn%26#039;t increase because you are working the shoulder and back muscles more than the ones in your arm that are used for power. try doing really slow puchups instead|||I would say yes cuzz then you will get use to it and when you use just glove then you can feel the difference...|||My understanding has always been that punching with smaller weights improves balance, not punching power.|||I can tell you right now from personal experience that punching with weights in your hands will not increase your power. Proper punching technique helps a lot with power. Punching with weights only increased my punching durability and maybe speed..... well actually the speed thing was probably more of a mental thing.

Also, I think punching with 30-pound weights is a little extreme. You could possibly do some damage to yourself.|||punching power is a gift eather you got it or you dont

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